
The Final Conference held in Burgos (Spain) on 24th of September 2015, in the framework of the First Gathering of Burgos Young Entrepreneurs, allowed the project itself and its outcomes and achievements to be presented and disseminated. This event with over one hundred attendees was broadly covered by main regional and local media, including TV ( and newspapers ( / The venue of the event was the Red Salon of the Teatro Principal of Burgos and the programme included representatives of key Administrations (Regional Government – Mr. Eduardo Carazo, General Director of Youth Institute of Junta de Castilla y Leon- and City Council of Burgos– Ms. Ana Lopidanc, President of Social Services Department), the presentation of the project delivered by the coordinator Eva Fabry (ECTW) and Juan Carlos Martinez (CEEI-Burgos), a round table moderated by Jose Vicente Orden (CEEI-Burgos) with three entrepreneurs to be concluded by the key note speaker of the evening, Salva Lopez with “Entrepreneurial ROCKvolution”.

stand inspireAfter this successful event, next step was the presentation of the project in a European level major conference. For that purpose it was selected the 2015 EBN (European Business Network) congress to be held in Brussels on 28-30 October 2015. This conference, with more than four hundred delegates coming from all EU, America, Africa and Asia, was considered by the whole Inspire Yowup partnership as one of the more appropriate for dissemination purposes at European level. A both was hired in the exhibition area of the venue of the Congress and the three partners attending the congress, CEEI-Burgos, Cork BIC and Business Development Friesland took care of it, handing out brochures and explaining delegates the project and its activities and achievements. Jose Vicente Orden and Juan Carlos Martinez (CEEI-Burgos), Frank Hiddink (BDF) and Eileen Moloney (Cork BIC) on behalf of the whole Inspire Yowup partnership coordinated their efforts in order to maximize the communication and dissemination effect on the attendees.

20151114_160523Besides, and with the intention of continuing the dissemination after the formal implementation phase, the project is going to be disseminated in the framework of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in Brussels on the 19th of November 2015. Mr. Larry Moffett, on behalf of the Global Entrepreneurship Week Belgium, was given one roll –up to be shown in the exhibition area along with brochures to be handed out. In meanwhile he disseminated the project on 14/11/2015 in Brussels within the framework of the Think Bigger event, organized by JCI (Junior Chamber International.


INSPIRE YoW UP (Project No.: 2013-1-NO1-LEO05-06186 ) a two year Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation Program project developed with the support of the European Commission EACEA and the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) is supporting the development of business startups and new skills to enhance entrepre-neurship and the creation of new jobs through innovative on-line training.

The partnership led by ECWT – the European Centre for Women and Technology included DISY – Democratic Rally, Cyprus, MILITOS, Greece, Business Development Friesland, the Netherlands, CorkBIC, Ireland, and CEEI Burgos. The latter three are all members of the European Business Development Network EBN and CorkBIC has been in 2015 selected as the best performing EBAN Member of the year. All partners with considerable experiences and a long list of EU projects in entrepreneurship and the use of ICT in VET education.

The project started off by a European level research and survey identifying the real needs of young people and women in specific for starting up their businesses. 891 people from the participating countries have answered the survey. The majority of the respondents were young women, living in urban areas. Overall, the surveys showed very positive attitudes towards trainings. All country surveys showed a clear belief that they will benefit greatly from (more) trainings (91%). A clear majority (61.92%) asserted – as expected – that having or lacking Initial capital is the largest obstacle for not starting their own business.

In regard to what kind of additional training young people are most interested to receive, the survey revealed the following six priorities: 

  • 67.05 % chose Business planning 
  • 63.44 % chose Financial management & investment readiness 
  • 59.25 % chose Opportunity Recognition 
  • 56.50 % chose Building Competences: Cooperating, Presenting, Analysing, How to Pitch, How to awake your creativity –innovative self 
  • 39.88 % chose How to network 
  • 39.31 % chose Mentoring: techniques on how to mentor and how to give mentoring.

INSPIRE YoWup partners created based on survey results a set of tools and methodology for the development of entrepreneurial skills for unemployed young and women and the online tool was tested with the goal to inspire and empower the national pilot project groups to start, run and grow their own businesses. Thereafter the tools were refined and finalized.

In October 2014 project partners organized also a highly successful pitching event in Nicosia in collaboration with Venture Academy, Ireland.

The final conference organized by CEEI Burgos gathered more tan 150 participants in Teatro Burgos including leading representatives of Castilla y Leon región, Ayuntamiento de Burgos, employment organiztions, business development communities and testbeds like ANCES, FAE,AJE YuzzBurgos, Ade Inversiones y Servicios, Ayuntamiento de Burgos, Excma. Diputación Provincial de Burgos, Fundación Caja de Burgos, Fundación Caja Círculo as well as young people that have been involved in the piloting and many interested in future testing and last but not least representatives of the project partners.

The conference attracted the most inspirational Spanish keynote speaker Salva Lopez, Professor in Marketing and Market Research at EASADE Business School, Barcelona who provided a transformational experience to the audience with his Business Rockvolution and lessons to learn from the world of music for increasing the efficiency of businesses.

Project partners have agreed to continue their collaboration in INSPIREYOWUP2. As a first step towrds dissemination partners will present the project at EBN annual congress in Brussels 28-30 October.

Coordinated by the Hellenic Associations of Young Entrepreneurs and Open Mellon in ooperation with Inspire project Greek partner Militos Consulting S.A.

Supported by the Hellenic Associations of Young Entrepreneurs (ESYNE) in Greece a free pilot training took place introducing the educational platform produced within the framework of the EU co-funded project Inspire (Innovative training material to inspire and empower young and women to start-up). The training took place at the Institute of Vocational Training IEK Open Mellon in the city of Larissa, giving the opportunity to the participants to benefit from and test the educational provision addressing important issues for aspiring and young entrepreneurs, such as opportunity recognition, financial management and mentoring.



As part of the recent EBAN 2015 Angel Summit, the EBAN Awards Ceremony took place in the Evoloun, on the evening of 7th May 2015. This special event celebrates individuals and organisations that have made a successful and significant contribution to the early stage investment market. The best in Europe were honoured at this exciting event!

CorkBIC was delighted to be awarded Best performing New EBAN member for 2015. Speaking after the awards, Eileen Moloney, CorkBIC said “I am thrilled to accept this award on behalf of CorkBIC in recognition of the growing collaboration between CorkBIC and EBAN. Part of CorkBIC’s core activity is to assist start-ups seeking investment and a growing number of these start-ups are looking beyond Ireland for Angel Investment.”

The EBAN 2015 Angel Summit was a three day event attended by more than 300 representatives of the early stage financing industry and entrepreneurs from all over the world. The event took place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Europe’s leading innovation hub and R&D center, from the 6-8th of May. EBAN 2015 Angel Summit, centred on the theme of creating, financing and building global success stories made in the EMEA region, welcoming business angels, family investors, VC funds, business accelerators, seed funds and venture philanthropists to interact with entrepreneurs from all over Europe and the World.

Michael O’Connor, CorkBIC drove the EBAN e-Xcelerator Venture Academy with investors and 25 growth companies while Eileen Moloney, chaired a session during the conference on Expanding the Venture Finance Eco-System with Corporate Venturing and Business Accelerators.

Michael is co-chair of the EBAN Accelerator Committee or e-Xcelerator, working to develop a working alliance between Accelerators that invest in companies and Business Angel Networks across Europe. Accelerator founders seek the finest well connected Business Angels to mentor and invest and those running Business Angel Networks seek the finest well prepared growth companies.

For more information on EBAN go to:

For more information on CorkBIC go to:

CorkBIC is a member of EBAN – The European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds and Early Stage Market Players


We are pleased to share with you through this video the experience of the Venture Academy that took place in Nicosia (Cyprus) last 23-24 October. You can also check out all the pictures and enjoy with us the event!

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